When you die, where are you going?
Pastor E.A. Adeboye.
In John 14:1-3, our Saviour Jesus Christ said “Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”.
There are all manners of buildings we can call houses. Your Office is a house. The social gathering center (Event Center) is a house. Where you sleep at night is also a house but the house Jesus Christ is referring to is called “my Father’s House”. When you go out in the morning to the Office or market to do all sort of things, you return home to sleep. The house is your last resting place.
It would amaze you that the moment you are born, you being a journey to the place where you came from. That’s the reason nobody would ask you how young are you. They will always ask you “how old are you” even if the person is a child or a day-old baby. The Bible made it clear that we are on a pilgrimage. That’s why it is unwise to waste time. Time goes like a river. In Genesis 47:7-9, Pharaoh asked Jacob how old are you. When Joseph wanted to die in Genesis 50:24-26, he gave instructions and said don’t leave my bones here, take me back home and Moses complied with the instructions in Exodus 13:19.
My brother. My sister. I want you to realize that death will come one day. We are all going to die. We are all going somewhere called home. It is a compulsory journey. You cannot do anything about it. We are all going home. No exception at all. Kings will die. The Pharaoh that knew Joseph died. Exodus 1:8. Kingmakers will die. Saul was the original Kingmaker. He anointed Saul and anointed David but a time came and he died. 1 Samuel 25:1. Prophets will die. It doesn’t matter the level of the anointing. 2 Kings 13:14-21. Elisha was highly anointed. He fell sick and died. The anointing did not die but the carrier of the anointing (Elisha) died. General Overseers will die. You may have PhD. You will die one day. You may have Primary School certificate. You will die. The rich will die. If the rich can die, how much more the poor? The poor will also die. Luke 16:13-31.
The question that should agitate your mind now is when we die, where are we going? We need to answer this question because there are two (2) houses over there. In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus said a time is coming when you will have the sheep on the right hand and the goats on the left hand. Where are you going to be? Heaven or Hell? Isaiah 5:14 says “hell is enlarging its mouth” because the devil knows more and more people would be coming there. That’s the reason why the Bible says “wide is the gate that leads to perdition but narrow is the gate that leads to heaven”. Mathew 7:13.
Please, I am begging you. Don’t listen to preachers who may be saying getting to heaven is not as difficult as Adeboye is painting it. The end is nearer than you may think. Things are getting worse and worse everyday. Pastors are being arrested for saying “ladies and gentlemen”. Women are getting married to dogs. Men are getting married to men. Ladies are getting married to ladies. Some people in the Church are doing what they like. Jesus is coming back and if you are not living right, you will not go to His Father’s house. There is a place called “My Father’s House”. The devil is looking for great harvest hence you see preachers preaching contrary messages lately. You will not be part of the devil’s harvest in Jesus name. If you are a backslider, come back to Jesus now. Please don’t think being born again is a joke. No matter how anointed a man is, he cannot bring back October 2024. It is gone forever. Please don’t listen to those preaching that you can continue in sin after you are born again. Live a holy life. Run away from sins and it shall be well with you.