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Some believers can pray. It is good to pray. The Bible says “pray without ceasing”. (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The quarrel I have is when you pray and you are not taking step of faith on that matter. That is where I have problems with such believers. I hate to see the devil cheating people. I hate the devil.
Let’s look at Mark 11:24 (KJV). The Bible says “therefore, I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them”. Please read it again. I wish to tell you that there is more to that scripture. Please read it again. When you desire anything and you have prayed, God expects you to take a step of faith otherwise you may remain on that spot forever unless somebody comes to push you and I pray you won’t resist being pushed to your breakthroughs in Jesus name.
Look at the woman with the issue of blood. She wanted deliverance. She wanted her issue of blood to dry up. She said within herself, “if I can touch the helm of his garment, I will be made whole”. (Mark 5:28). She did not stop saying it to herself. She took a step of faith. She attended the Crusade where Jesus was preaching. She waked down and touched the helm of the garment of Jesus. What happened? She got her healing. If she did not attend the Crusade and she did not touch the helm of Jesus garment as she has desired and purposed in her heart, her problem will remain.
That’s one of the reasons why I don’t like the man on the same spot for 38years as recorded in John 5:5-9. How can you remain on a spot? If he had been crawling, at least he would have made some progress to get into the water at midnight when people thronging the sea had gone home to sleep. We thank God for compassionate Jesus who came to his rescue. He would have died waiting. The same Jesus will come to your rescue today in Jesus name.
Brethren, truth must be told. God expects us to take step of faith concerning certain things we desired after we have prayed about them. Imagine somebody that is ripe for marriage and not doing anything about it except prayers? Imagine somebody that needs a job but not doing anything about it after prayers? I remembered one of the teachings of Bishop Oyedepo. The man of God taught us that imagine a man who was thirsty and held a glass of water (full of water) in his hands. Instead of drinking the water to quench the thirst, he was only saying repeatedly, “I know if I drink this water, my thirst will go”. “I know if I drink this water, my thirst will go”. He did not take any step to drink the water but just mumbling that word to himself. The man of God said very soon, the man will die of thirst. I agree hundred percent!
Brethren, learn to take step of faith after prayers on those issues. The Holy Spirit is always there to tell you the steps to take. You don’t need to fear. The book of 2Timothy 1:7 says “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind…” If the righteous fall seven times, he will surely rise again. Proverbs 24:16.