It’s not the Lord’s breakfast or the Lord’s Lunch!!
Pastor E.A. Adeboye
I have never been more confident than now that your tomorrow will be alright. Please don’t give up. God has not finished with you yet. Look at Elijah, when he wanted to give up, God told him, I have not finished with you. He organized strength for Elijah. Peter also wanted to give up but Jesus told him, launch into the deep and Peter got net breaking miracles. You are the next person to give testimony in Jesus name.
Brethren, Colossians 1:27 says Christ in you, the hope of glory. When you come to the Holy Communion table, you put in Christ in you afresh. He said “this is my bread, eat it, put it inside of you”. He said “this is my blood, drink it, put it inside of you”. You have the hope of glory inside of you. That’s the reason why I am more than confident that your tomorrow will be alright.
Brethren, Holy Communion is not an ordinary meal. Please don’t take it causally. I remembered when my father in the Lord was alive. We used to take Holy Communion once in year during the Convention. I always look forward to that Saturday when the Holy Communion would be taken. As the man of God continues preaching, I would be telling myself, let’s go to the Communion. As I drink the wine, it takes the special grace of God for the glass cup not to fall from my hand because I will feel the power of God inside of me.
That’s why I am begging you not to take Holy Communion causally. It’s a special meal. Those who take it unworthily, sleep (dies). That will not be your portion in Jesus name. Finally, I also want us to remember that it is the Lord’s supper. It’s not the Lord’s breakfast or the Lord’s lunch. That’s the reason why I usually excuse myself (telling them I was fasting) whenever I go to a place where they wanted to take Holy Communion in the morning. Please don’t take it unworthily. Holy Communion is a special meal.