Believers! We are sleeping too much! Rich men hardly sleep!
Wake up and work. Find something to do. Be productive!
Lack is not good. Poverty is not good.
Staff Reporter
It is true the Bible says “He gives His beloved sleep”. Psalm 127:2. But the Master told us that “we must work while it is day because the night cometh when no man can work”. John 9:4. The Bible also make us to understand that “the hand of the diligent bear rule, but the slothful (the lazy man) shall be under slave labour (under taskmaster)”. Proverbs 12:24. Please check different Bible versions of Proverbs 12:24. You will be scared of laziness. You will run away from laziness because no one wants to be under tribute.
Brethren, majority of us are sleeping too much both physically and spiritually. Some believers graduated early at age 22, 23 & 24 but went to sleep academically. Do you know that if those believers endured and took steps of faith and relied on God for their Masters and PhD, they would have gotten their PhD before age 30 and they would be entering into their rest now, enjoying life and serving God.
Some believers are not working. Some don’t even acquire any skill. Some enjoy telling stories of one predicament or the other looking for pity parties (as if they are the ones that have problems). Some are friends of the man on the same spot for 38years in John 5:7 who lied that he had no one to help him. Brethren, if you are concerned, wake up. God is telling you to wake up. The hand of the diligent will bear rule. Bishop Oyedepo warned us that poverty and lack don’t respond to prayers. The cure for poverty and lack is hard work. Go and work. Be productive. Find something doing. Don’t despise the days of small beginnings. There is dignity in labour.
Ecclesiastes 5:12 which says “the sleep of the laboring man is sweet whether he eat little or much, but the abundance of the rich will not permit him to sleep”. Each time I reflect on the second part of this Bible passage which says “rich men don’t sleep because of the abundance of their wealth” and I observe the lifestyle of rich men I have priviledge of meeting or work for (by the grace of God), I find myself nodding my head in agreement with God’s word. Remember, the word of God on any matter is always true. John 17:17 says “sanctify them by the truth. Your word is truth”.
I have many stories to buttress the fact that rich men don’t sleep and I will share one. By the nature of my work, I have many bosses and some of them are highly placed while some are politically exposed personalities. I remembered an incident with one of them. We were together in the Office from 9am to 8pm. As I was leaving his house, he called my name and said “Look, I have a speech to deliver tomorrow. Get it ready”. I drove down to my house, prepared dinner, ate and wanted to sleep at 10pm. I meditated on the instruction and told myself to sleep and wake up at midnight to do the assignment. The subject matter of the speech was outside my professional training. I needed to do research on the internet to do it. I had two options. Sleep and wake up in the night to do it or do it before sleeping. I really wanted to sleep that night but the event that happened thereafter showed that the Holy Spirt didn’t want me to sleep. I opted to endure and do the assignment before sleeping. I didn’t finish the Speech until 1.05am. I sent the Draft Speech by WhatsApp to my boss. I was shocked. He was not sleeping at 1.05am. He read it within few minutes. I got a call from him at about 1.15am telling me to look at some paragraphs in the Speech, offering additions and subtractions. We concluded everything at about 1.35am and I went to sleep. This event occurred almost ten years ago but it’s still fresh in my memories.
Brethren, this is the time to wake up and work. The night cometh when no man can work. LET’S UTILISE THE 24HOURS God has given us for each day productively so that we can fight lack, poverty and want with hard work and rest in our old age.